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About Me



I have been a nurse for over 25 years.  A majority of my career has been in mental health and the last several years it has been in education / consulting.  A few years ago, I started on a journey of personal growth and it led me to realize that I was not living my purpose.  I discovered that I had so much more to offer people and that my career needed to go in a different direction.  So, I started a program that trained me to become a health and wellness coach.  I quickly found that this role was very different than the traditional nursing role that I knew so well.  This role was perfect for me because it reconnected me with my meaning and purpose for becoming a nurse which was to serve and to heal.  And my educational background and work experience truly enhanced my abilities and skills.  I knew that I could make more of an impact on lives and experience the joy and fulfillment of seeing people actually meet their health and wellness goals.    

About Me: About
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